In the highlands of the Philippines, we currently do not have enough Bibles for every child in their own language.
Our tailoring programs provide women working in the brothels the opportunity to earn a dignified living. The women get to keep their sewing machine at the end of the course to start a small home business.
Many children come to school without eating breakfast. A full stomach helps them to focus on their studies in class.
Children only have one uniform they wear every day of the week. Many of them don’t have proper clothing at home, and so they also wear their uniforms on the weekend, causing them to wear out quickly. At some schools, the teacher collects the uniforms and washes them herself in the river for the kids.
Many schools do not have any computers. Children need to be able to learn basic computer processing in order to advance in today’s world and rise above generational poverty.
Many families are caught in debt bondage slavery in Pakistan with no one to turn to for help.
Many students in our sponsorship program have never ventured outside their village. Sponsor a classroom to experience life outside of their village and expand their world view.
Many children with vision impairment do not have access to proper eye care or the opportunity for corrective surgery.
Many schools have no teaching materials like posters, equipment for science laboratories, textbooks, or sports gear.
Many children are forced to leave at a moment’s notice and can only bring what they can carry. When winter approaches, many are in need of blankets.
Sponsor a student graduating from our sponsorship program to attend an Adventist university and equip them to come back and serve as a missionary leader.
Sponsor an entire island to receive education, health care, and the gospel. Build a school that will be a church, teacher’s housing, and support missionary teachers. These remote islands will be supported by our new float plane. There are 28 total islands along the Kafue River in Zambia.